From that time on, she never teased him again. At dif- ferent times, particularly during Halloween, she would let him wear one of her slips and some nylon stockings. Her sisters, and oven a girl friend of theirs joined in. The sisters leaned him some high heeled shoes and a corselet. With a curling iron and some make-up they made Tod look like a charming young lady. Marcia knew that Ted enjoyed every moment of these ex- periences. But, she reflected, what male wouldn't if given
the chance?
Susanna placed a "CLOSED" sign on the door of the shop and returned to Mareia.
"Come in the back and have some tea with me. The rain won't let up for awhile, so I'm closing the store for today. Besides, I have some thing that I think will interest you".
Gathering her black leather jacket and purse, and carry- ing the bloomers, Marcia followed Susanna into the living room behind the shop where they had been many times before. an authority on lingerie and a consultant for growing number of women, had the appearance of a good- looking, middle-aged lady. She had a trim, well-kept fig- ure that was often the recipient of admiring glanees from persons of both sexes. But in addition to these things, had kindness and understanding.
To Marcia, now a student-designer, she had been like an aunt or second mother. She had helped Marcia in many ways, including the training of her figure. For days she had disciplined Mareia in the wearing of a corset that helped create her present hour-glass figure. When she wore the one piece leather girdle which covered her from bust to thighs, Marcia felt like she would burst in two pieces or mere! But she soon get used to it. There were laces to thi corset and a wide belt around the waist from which another narrower belt, going down the center and coming up from be- tween the legs, fastened in front. Each day Susanna had tightened the laces and belts more and more until Marcia felt she would swoon from discomfort. To her amazement, she